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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin varius ipsum eros, eu dignissim tortor.
- Convexable to the plant
- Proprietary formulation coats leaves and sticks to the surface
- Optimal molecular size and structure allows more nutrients making nutrients available longer
- Nutrients get directly into the plant’s xylem and phloemto penetrate the leaf cuticle and move through the plant quickly
- Can be tank mixed with most insecticides, fungicides and plant growth regulators
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed nec orci at est malesuada consequat sit amet vel eros. Nulla ornare sem accumsan dolor imperdiet, nec feugiat orci consequat. Nulla vehicula dui mauris, et aliquam erat pretium eu. Fusce efficitur finibus elit nec aliquet. Nulla tempor vestibulum porttitor. Morbi arcu ante, consectetur et libero id, semper posuere massa. Quisque vel quam in quam bibendum placerat at sed purus. Sed ante leo, tincidunt at dui eget, dapibus iaculis diam. In nec lorem sed tellus porttitor efficitur. Cras a vestibulum nibh, vitae sollicitudin elit. Praesent et ornare nulla.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
- Convexable to the plant
- Proprietary formulation coats leaves and sticks to the surface
- Optimal molecular size and structure allows more nutrients making nutrients available longer
- Nutrients get directly into the plant’s xylem and phloemto penetrate the leaf cuticle and move through the plant quickly
- Can be tank mixed with most insecticides, fungicides and plant growth regulators